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The Life And Times of Neelakantan: Anti Climatic Comedy

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Anti Climatic Comedy

The time:10:25 P.M. I was just about to start eating when...There's a knock at the gate.The Watchmen were outside saying that they thought they saw someone in the bushes but they had omitted to bring their torch so could we lend them one. Now our torch doesn't work and we told them so, and sent them to our,well...not next door, but neighbour. Mission Bring Torch Failed. They don't have a torch. So me and my dad decided to go with them and examine the matter. Guess what? The "Man' was actually some dogs feasting on the junk dumped after the afore mentioned party. What an Anti-Climax.


Anonymous said...

we had 2 torches at last count :P

Anonymous said...

both out of order