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The Life And Times of Neelakantan: We Tried to screw dataone...

Saturday, October 28, 2006

We Tried to screw dataone...

Well, The ISP that most of my friends and I use is BSNL's Dataone. We decided "lets take one Unlimited Plan and share the costs." Today we tried to see if one can login from two or more places at the same time. Unfortunately We can't. I'm going to see if I can find some method of doing this. If we manage to do this, well.....Dataone's in for a hell of a loss. ;-)


Anonymous said...


Guess you are late for this !

This _was_ possible for 9 months on MTNL's Triband. I used to do it.

Well, not exactly this, but I used a night unlimited plan on a 512kbps line. It worked :D

Also, there were times, where our downloads werent even counted. Man that was Fun !!

Anyways, all the best...

Anonymous said...

Huh ?

Do you two mean that by using the same phone connection, you'll use the UL on 2 or more PCs ?

Isn't that already possible ? I mean, people use a desktop and their laptop with the Dataone connexion..

Anonymous said...

well San, wat you mean is connecting by LAN. We tried without the LAN. i.e. one guy was in across the street, then he tried to log on from another computer not conected to his....We Failed. :-(

Anonymous said...

dude!!!! wait till i get home !!!! u r supposed to be studying...not figuring out ways to cheat businesses !!!! :P

Unknown said...

Why not do a LAN with youe friend and share the connection?