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The Life And Times of Neelakantan: Existential Angst

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Existential Angst

Why am I Alive? What use of my being alive? Why am I not famous or rich? Why are some people rich and famous while some are doomed to mediocrity? Is there something special in these people? These are some questions that reverbrate in my head. Sometimes I feel I'm just wasting my time. Sometime's I feel that I'm not doing anything worthwhile. Then again I feel like doing something that will make the world remember me. Ah Woe Is Me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to my world...

I've been through this for a real long time now.

Sometimes I feel I'm just a character of a real - life reality show. You know, like that Jim Carrey Movie...

But then again, who cares what I think.

its just me and my stupid life..