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The Life And Times of Neelakantan: Seminars and Cultural Programmes

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Seminars and Cultural Programmes

Stupid title but It makes it look like I attend seminars. Actually The seminar was in the morning and for me Dad. There was some stupid cultural program in the evening for which we went. Dear God.....Imagine a group of mentally deficient chickens all dressed up in stupid apparal and suffering from an advanced form of epilepsy. That would be like the dances performed. Now Imagine a girl who's being paid a fiver for every vowel she draws out, a rupee for every thank you she says and 50p for every "That was a great performance'....You've got the announcer. Then add some waiters who either think you're invisible or who can see only you...a wierd orchestra, a bunch of chattering ladies, some kids running berserk...awful food set in an atmosphere of Bengali songs and The Lost World ....My Evening in toto.

I've switched to Blogger BETA. Some people are complaining about it. Let Me see.


Anonymous said...

i dun like the new backgrnd :P

Anonymous said...

Okay, what would u like to see????/

Anonymous said...

how abt something not quite so dull ?? blogspot does have some really nice templates..browse ard a bit early morning sum day :P